Thursday, September 29, 2011

Double-click on a cell in a DataGrid does not start editing the cell, while F2 works, and begins editing the cell!!!

Double-click on a cell in a DataGrid does not start editing the cell, while F2 works, and begins editing the cell!!!

I worked a lot to solve this problem.. In my case, the problem was that my implementation of IList was not working properly. Specifically, the index operator (this[]) , the IndexOf method and Contains method.. Fix them and then double-click will work again without problems.

Update: just more clarification. In my case, I tried to make a trick to deceive the DataGrid by passing different objects everytime the DataGrid calls the this[] operator on the collection (I return a new object having properties with equal values). But it turned out that DataGrid internally keeps a list of these objects and compare them by reference, ending up with unequal results.

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