Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Scrollable Expandable Control's problem

Scrollable-expandable-controls problem.
Scrollable-expandable-controls : are controls that can stretch as its content grows and will display scrollbars when their size is restricted.
Problem appears when they are located inside another scrollable control. Child scrollable-expandable-controls will keep expanding and will count on the outer scrollable control's scrollbars.
if you give it a maximum width or height problem will be resolved but you will need to know the size ahead and you don't have this privilege if you want a dynamic app that works well with all different screen sizes.
in order to achieve required behavior , we need a panel in between to allow its children (scrollable-expandable-control) to grow. Asking them to give the minimum required size and then give them the maximum size the parent provides without displaying scrollbars , currently there is no panel like this.

Here is a one that I developed to provide this functionality:
    class LimitChild : System.Windows.Controls.Panel
        public LimitChild()

        protected override Size MeasureOverride(System.Windows.Size availableSize)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(InternalChildren.Count == 1);
            System.Windows.UIElement child = InternalChildren[0];

            Size panelDesiredSize = new Size();
            // panelDesiredSize.Width = availableSize.Width;
            panelDesiredSize.Width = (double)child.GetValue(FrameworkElement.MinWidthProperty);
            panelDesiredSize.Height = (double)child.GetValue(FrameworkElement.MinHeightProperty);


            // IMPORTANT: do not allow PositiveInfinity to be returned, that will raise an exception in the caller! 
            // PositiveInfinity might be an availableSize input; this means that the parent does not care about sizing 
            return panelDesiredSize;

        protected override System.Windows.Size ArrangeOverride(System.Windows.Size finalSize)
            System.Windows.UIElement child = InternalChildren[0];

            child.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, finalSize.Width, finalSize.Height));
            if (finalSize.Width > child.RenderSize.Width)
                finalSize.Width = child.RenderSize.Width;
            if (finalSize.Height > child.RenderSize.Height)
                finalSize.Height = child.RenderSize.Height;

            return finalSize; // Returns the final Arranged size
and then inside your xaml surround your scrollable-expandable-control with a LimitChild panel.

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